Richard and Susan Hayden Academy Fellowship

Richard and Susan Hayden Academy Fellowship

This fellowship is a joint initiative with Richard and Susan Hayden. It offers candidates at the early-to-mid-stage of their career the opportunity to spend ten months at Chatham House working on an individual research project of their choosing.
Fellows take part in the core work of the Institute, developing their skills through the leadership programme, and furthering their professional network in the field of international affairs.
Applications are open from 11am BST on 15 May 2024 to 11am BST on 5 June 2024.

Who can apply?
The fellowship is open to all nationalities.
Applicants must hold a completed BA degree or equivalent and have experience with conducting research.
The ideal candidate should be at the early-to-mid-stage of their career and come from one of the following fields or work: academia, NGO, business, government departments, civil society or the media. All applicants should possess knowledge of, and an interest in, international affairs, their chosen area of research, and Chatham House’s mission and research.
Age restrictions
We do not impose age restrictions for applicants.
Can I undertake other work or study at the same time as my fellowship?
Fellows are expected to work full-time towards their fellowship and therefore it is not possible to undertake a fellowship at the same time as pursuing work or studies.

How long and where?
Applications are open from 11am BST on 15 May 2024 to 11am BST on 5 June 2024. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Academy Fellows will spend ten months at Chatham House between October 2024 and July 2025.
The fellow will be based full-time at Chatham House, London with hybrid working also possible.

Remuneration and benefits
The fellow will receive a monthly stipend of £2,365 which will cover London living costs, including accommodation, utilities, food, transport and other basic expenses.
The Academy covers reasonable costs related to:
Relocation e.g., flights, train, other transportation to and from the UK, three nights of accommodation, visas, extra cases or boxes, etc.;
Payment of the UK’s Immigration Healthcare Surcharge which allows access to the UK National Health Service (Note: you may be required to pay for dental and optical treatments and medicines prescribed by a doctor); and
Research, outreach and dissemination costs e.g., fieldwork, travel, conferences, publication, roundtables, events, etc.
Apply Now

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