تطوع في إسبانيا 2024 .. اعرف كافة التفاصيل

تطوع في إسبانيا 2024 .. اعرف كافة التفاصيل

We offer a volunteer program for young people aged 18 to 30 who want to learn or develop their skills in permaculture, regenerative agriculture and agroforestry. Volunteering lasts 9 months (from the beginning of February to the end of October) and consists of growing vegetables, caring for fruit trees, harvesting and preserving food, building agroforestry systems, caring for animals (sheep, chickens and bees), caring for erosion and improving fertility. of the soils, design in permacultural keys and carry out specific projects on the farm (bioconstruction, water systems, eco-technologies, etc.).
Volunteering is carried out in a multicultural team of 6 volunteers who come from Spain, Europe and outside Europe.
Finca Luna is our playground where we learn by doing and share our knowledge and skills.

Activities in the farm
Typically we organize the week around the following activities:
Farm maintenance and farm projects. Gardening, animal care, infrastructure repair, seedlings, land restoration, etc.;
Individual and group projects, where we apply permaculture design methodology;
Permaculture design and skills development workshops, also time to study deeper on your own;
Cleaning and organizing indoor and outdoor spaces;
Planning and evaluating work, participating in community meetings;
Documenting work and learning process;
Community work in the neighborhood and with local non-profit partner projects.

Our volunteer program offers permaculture education, hands-on work in organic farming, and a multicultural community experience. We work 7 hours a day ranging from routine work on the farm (garden, forest, animals, infrastructure maintenance), development of individual and group projects, workshops and community work on other farms. All participants collaborate in cleaning, cooking and maintenance tasks on the farm.

Example of projects
Veggies and trees Nursery (ongoing)
Gardening, vegetable production (ongoing)
Edible forest (ongoing)
Fruit harvest and transformation (ongoing)
Solar dehydrator project
Water mgmt infrastructure project (designed)
Energy production project
Soil building project (ongoing)
Forest planting project
Eco-construction projects (ongoing)
Beekeeping (ongoing)
Sheep raising (ongoing)
Infrastructure repair and maintenance (carpentry, masonry, painting, stone walls, water tanks, etc.) (ongoing)

Requirements are:
To be passionate about the environment, farming, and permaculture;
To be willing to learn rural and manual skills and to enjoy doing physical work;
To be ready to spend 9 months living and working on a farm with basic comfort;
To be deeply interested in permaculture design theory;
To have an open-minded attitude and predisposition to learning;
To be ready to participate in maintenance activities such as cooking and cleaning;
To be willing to learn spanish. Basic spanish preferred.
Preference will be given to candidates with fewer opportunities (facing cultural, economic or social marginalization).

لا تنسي الأطلاع :
كورس للمبتدئين مجاناً من Oxford لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية | من هنا
كورس للمستوى المتوسط مجاناً من Oxford لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية | من هنا
اختبار تحديد المستوى مقدم من المعهد الثقافي البريطاني British Council | من هنا
كورس تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية مجاناً من British Council | من هنا

اخواتي لا تنسو الانضمام الي قناتنا علي تليجرام ليصل إليكم احدث
دورات التدريب و فرص العمل عن بُعد أولآ بأول من هنا.

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