Seabirds and Light Pollution – Rescue Campaigns

Seabirds and Light Pollution – Rescue Campaigns
Seabirds are affected by light pollution and, within this scope, we need support to mitigate and better understand how artificial light impacts this group of birds. Every year rescue campaigns are carried out during the critical season for juvenile of Cory’s Shearwaters (the most abundant seabird on the Island of Madeira). In addition to the rescue campaigns, we are, at the same time, carrying out scientific rescue campaigns that will help us understand this problem. The work is carried out on the Island of Madeira and consists of participation in scientific seabird rescue campaigns.
This volunteering opportunity, of two weeks, takes place in Funchal, Madeira Island (Portugal). The ESC program covers travel expenses, and the value depends on the result of the distance calculation specified by the ESC distance calculator. Transport, accommodation and food expenses are covered by the ESC project, up to a maximum value of €21 per day of volunteering. The volunteer will be given financial assistance for personal expenses of €5 per day. Transport to field work is provided by SPEA.
Learning will be continuous and quite varied throughout the volunteering period. The volunteer will have the opportunity to be involved in the development of a LIFE Conservation project. You can enrich your knowledge about seabirds. The volunteer is also expected to develop the ability to work in an organized manner both independently and as part of a team.
Good communication, flexibility in the work environment, motivation and will to learn. You must be eligible to volunteer for 2 weeks under the 2022 ESC program (considering you are a volunteer with limited opportunities). Flexibility in working hours. Age between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive) at the beginning of the activity.
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