Onsi Sawiris Scholarship 2024 – 2025

Onsi Sawiris Scholarship 2024 – 2025


The Onsi Sawiris Scholarship is a private merit-based scholarship program established in 2000 by Orascom Construction as part of the company’s commitment to promoting excellence and achievement. Orascom Construction launched the Onsi Sawiris Program to invest company resources in educational programs to improve the communities in which it operates.

This program is a precedent in Egypt for private sector involvement in educational programs on a sustainable basis. The aim of which is to facilitate the academic development and character building of young Egyptians giving them the tools to develop their careers hence benefiting their communities in which they live.

Since 2000, the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program has financed the educational dreams of 96 extraordinary students. Through the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship program, Orascom Construction provides full tuition scholarships for Egyptian students seeking to pursue their Degrees at prestigious universities in the United States with the aim of bolstering Egypt’s economic competitiveness.

The Onsi Sawiris Scholarships are awarded based on merit, need and character as demonstrated through academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and entrepreneurial initiative. The scholarships include full tuition, living allowance, travel and health insurance.
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  • الخطوة الثانية كورس اون لاين .. الكورس مرتب ومقسم اللغة الإنجليزية الي مستويات
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  • كتاب تعليم كتابة اللغة الانجليزية والتحدث بمهارة : من هنا
  • وفي النهاية المحادثات الاكثر استخداماً مترجمة : من هنا و الله يرزقكم جميعًا.
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