AWS AI & ML Scholarship program – aws

AWS AI & ML Scholarship program – aws

AWS AI & ML Scholarship program
Get ready for a career in AI with access to scholarships and mentors for students underserved or underrepresented in technology

Launch your career with an AWS Scholarship
Whether you’re new to AI or looking to break into the field, the AWS AI & ML Scholarship program, in collaboration with Udacity, helps students globally to learn foundational skills to prepare for careers in technology. Through a comprehensive AI training program designed by AWS experts, students will get hands-on with real-world projects, learn from industry mentors, and access career resources.
Discover how scholarship graduate Gedeon Baende uses AI sustainably to reduce landfill waste. Watch more student stories below.

Enroll on AWS DeepRacer Student
Free for students 16+ years globally
Complete application prerequisites with AWS DeepRacer Student to prequalify and prepare for the scholarship content. The prerequisites teach you general ML knowledge by building and racing an autonomous vehicle in a 3D simulated environment.

New Generative AI course
Free for all scholarship applicants
Unlock your unique application code and apply on Udacity. By submitting your application, you’ll gain free enrollment in the optional course, “Introducing Generative AI with AWS”, a $250 USD value! Gain practical knowledge and explore generative AI’s applications.

Earn a nanodegree scholarship
Scholarship 1 (2,000 students)
Receive skills-based training through the Udacity nanodegree, AI Programming with Python. 2,000 recipients annually are awarded a scholarship ($4,000 USD value) to work on AI projects and learn programming tools.

Advanced scholarship & mentoring
Scholarship 2 (Top 500 students)
Top students completing the AI Programming with Python Nanodegree can earn a scholarship for the advanced AWS ML Fundamentals Nanodegree, covering deep learning and ML engineering concepts, with mentorship from industry experts.
Apply from here

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