Executive Assistant For Banque Du Caire

Executive Assistant For Banque Du Caire

About the job
Maintain a close and tight monitoring of all expenses related to the Rep Office Budget to ensure the Rep Office operates within the approved budget set by the HO in Egypt.
Track, File and Report all Monthly expenses in coordination with our Finance Dept in the HO.
Full handling of all administrative affairs related to the Rep Office which includes Office Lease, Staff Medical Insurance, Commercial License Renewals, Insurance Policies, Vehicle Traffic Registration Renewals, Vehicle Insurance, Travel Logistics, Residency Renewals, Office Supplies, Utilities Invoices & Payments etc.…. while making sure to keep copies of all Expense Records and Rep Office Documents in order and in place for meeting Audit & Compliance Requirements with both Local UAE Regulations and also Head Office Policies and Procedures.
Analyze and forecast any expected increases in Expenses for any future Budget Reviews.
Prepare and support Monthly Reports to the Rep Office Head for summary of expenses for actual Vs Budget on a monthly and YTD Basis to ensure close monitoring to Monthly Operating expenses.

Manage the Rep Office Bank Account and ensure balance tracking and proper bank account funding in place in close coordination with Finance Dept in HO while managing petty Cash expenses according to Monthly Operational Expenses.
Manage contract negotiations with all related Vendors and Supplier to ensure best terms secured for the Rep Office when sourcing any services or lease agreements for the Rep Office.
Manage all Outsources services related to ITD Support and PRO Services for handling HR & Residency affairs related to the Rep Office Staff and their Dependents where applicable.
Organize and handle all Human Resources duties as but not limited to salaries transfers, HR letters and residence visas issuance.
Arrange all logistics for Senior Management visits from HQ.
Coordinate between Rep. Office and HQ in all business aspects.
Make sure that the Head of UAE Rep. Office strategic plans are implemented.
Adopt and implement rules and regulations as deemed necessary by UAE labor Law and HQ in Egypt.
Manage office supplies inventory and place orders as necessary.
Assign and monitor clerical and secretarial tasks assigned to office receptionist.
Supervise driver duties and monitor his performance.
Receive and sort incoming mail and deliveries and manage outgoing mail.
Develop office policies and procedures, and ensure they are implemented appropriately.
Managing and maintaining IT infrastructure in close coordination with the ITD Team in Egypt HO.
Identify opportunities for process and office management improvements, and design and implement new systems.
Provide other administrative support as necessary, including scheduling group meetings, maintaining calendars, doing research, and creating reports.
Apply Now

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