تفاصيل وظائف شركة DEALS HR

تفاصيل وظائف شركة DEALS HR

Faculty Commerce
Job Field investment
Job Title Accountant
Employment Type Full Time
Rank Requested
Gender Female
Location Egypt
City Giza
Residence Mohandeseen
Salary 6,000 To 7,000 / month
Transportation not available / month
Benefits social insurance
Working hours From 9 To 5
Days off 2

Age From 30 To 40 Year(s)
Spoken Languages Arabic — Excellent
English — Good
Computer Skills professional Microsoft office package word excel advanced excel access power point
Translation expert

Years of experience Min 3 Max 4 Year(s)
Car Not Required
Woman’s Veild Any
Job Description professional in all accounting works & admin skills

Apply From Here

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وظائف شركة Nagwa

94 وظيفة متاحة في عملاق بيع التجزئة الاونلاين امازون مصر

وظائف شركة WE للطلاب والخريجين برواتب تبدء من4000 ج

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